Razor Becomes Eagle Scout

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Speedway High senior Zach Razor

Photo by Jay Thompson

(posted Dec 9)

Zach Razor was awarded his Eagle Scout badge at a December 9 ceremony in the Westview Christian Church. In addition to words of praise and acknowledgment of his service to the community, letters from Governor Mitch Daniels and US Senator Evan Bayh were read, congratulating Razor on his accomplishment.

District 7 City County Councilor Cherrish Pryor read a proclamation from the City County Council honoring Zach and noted only one in four scouts ever make it to the level of Eagle Scout.

Pryor said she is looking forward to seeing Razor mold his life ahead because she sees it as a bright future.

Razor's Eagle Scout Project ended in ruins December 6 when the "Welcome to the Town of Speedway" sign was destroyed by a motorist due to snowy road conditions. Razor, street department employees, and other 505 scouts spent several hour in the August heat to install the sign on Crawfordsville Road.

One of Razor's comments during the project was "I just hope it doesn't get hit." At the December 9 ceremony Razor responded to the incident by saying "It lasted for four months. It could have been worse."